Tag: Asbury Methodist Village

Aging Well

It’s (Past) Time to Redefine How Society Views Aging

Join us at Asbury as we challenge ageist stereotypes this Older Americans Month. Celebrate seniors' vibrant contributions and redefine aging together!

Front door and entrance of home at Asbury Communities

FAQs for Senior Living

Key Benefits of Senior Living

As we age, downsizing to a space and lifestyle that suits our changing needs takes on heightened importance. Here are Asbury's 5 Key Benefits of Moving to a Senior Living Community.

Aging Well

The Arts at Asbury: Creating Paths to Healthy Aging

Discover the transformative power of the arts in aging at Asbury Communities. Embrace creativity, connection, and well-being today!

two seniors, a couple, at edge of another seniors porch, dog with the couple

Aging Well

How Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy

Countless studies support the science behind social connection in combating loneliness and promoting brain health. Learn how senior living expands older adults' ability to stay engaged as they age.

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Your Future

5285 Westview Drive
Suite 200

Frederick, MD 21703

Get Directions > Call Us: 301-250-2100