Category: FAQs for Senior Living

sign displaying the words goal plan and action

FAQs for Senior Living

Downsizing in Retirement: Four Secrets to Success

Downsizing is daunting, but Asbury senior move specialist Jill Mannino has helped over 500 seniors downsize and move. The transformation is "mind-blowing," says Jill. Here are her keys to success.

senior woman outside with Patuxent river in the background

FAQs for Senior Living

When is the ‘Right’ Time for a Retirement Move?

I still can’t believe that when the whole world was hunkering down, my husband and I decided it was a good time to downsize 17 years’ worth of accumulated stuff and move to a retirement community.

selling a home

FAQs for Senior Living

Is Your House the Key to Your Future?

By providing ways to convert assets like real estate, stocks, bonds or cash into revenue streams, the Asbury Foundation can help make your move to an Asbury community a reality.

couple having a cup of coffee

FAQs for Senior Living

How to Downsize for Retirement

Move doesn’t have to be a four-letter word. How great would it feel to be in a place surrounded by the items that are right for you at this time of your life?

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Suite 200

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