Embracing All Life Has to Offer

Ron GruverClearly, Ron Gruver is a one hundred and ten percent kind of guy. He’s a great example of the independent living that Asbury residents enjoy.

During Ron’s working years, he routinely put in 60-hour weeks, leaving little time for focusing on wellness. But he was an avid racquetball player for many years.

The racquetball ended when back issues developed, and within the past six years, Ron has undergone two spinal surgeries. It was the second one that got Ron thinking a little more seriously about becoming the second generation of his family to join Asbury Solomons. Two years ago, he followed in his mother’s footsteps and moved into an Asbury Solomons river-view apartment.

Still in recovery from his second surgery, Ron was a bit apprehensive about jumping into the community’s wellness and volunteering opportunities, says Wellness Director Dennis Poremski. But it can be hard to resist Asbury’s energetic residents and its diverse programs, classes and social groups that are right outside your door.

Making the most of fitness

While finishing up his post-surgical physical therapy in Asbury Solomons Fitness Center, Ron met the wellness team, who set up a strengthening program to continue Ron’s recovery. Soon, Ron was proficient on several Fitness Center machines and was drawn outdoors to the community’s mile-long walking path, part of which runs along the Patuxent River.

From there, Ron joined Asbury’s Hitch Hikers group, which takes monthly jaunts to local attractions and parks.  He also participates in Asbury’s weekly tai chi classes which has greatly improved his balance. “The instructor is a local person who comes on campus and is fabulous,” Ron say. “He understands who we are and what we can and cannot do. He gears the class specifically for us.

Ron now has a kayak that is lighter weight than the big sea kayak he was used to own and takes advantage of Asbury Solomons’ riverfront location while exploring the Patuxent and its creeks and inlets.

Volunteering time and talents

Physical activity isn’t his only focus, though. Each weekday, Asbury Solomons’ pastor holds a live morning devotional on its in-house TV station and Ron helps with the setup and monitoring of the camera equipment. In addition, he has become active in the community’s resident-run Go-Green Committee, helping with its comprehensive recycling program and oyster gardening project to help filter the river water by planting more than one million oysters just off the community’s breakwaters.

With that kind of commitment, it’s not surprising that Ron is now a member of Asbury Solomons’ Wellness Committee, providing input on programming and services.

“The trouble here is that they have so many things going on that it’s hard to fit it all in,” Ron says.  Spoken like a true one hundred and ten percenter.

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