Going Green at Asbury Solomons

With its unique waterfront location, Asbury Solomons residents are passionate about protecting the environment. Their Go Green Committee leads efforts to promote this stewardship through awareness and action.

In 2021, our campus completed a rain garden to capture runoff before it hits the Patuxent River, a Chesapeake Bay tributary, and we installed two EV charging stations for electric cars. The Clipper Creek Inc. stations are powered by solar panel on the Asbury Solomons Health Care Center roof. For more, see below!

Go Green members and community associates are working on a multi-phase storm water management project that will reduce run-off into the Patuxtent River from Asbury Solomons’ campus. (See video above.)

And, in 2019 Go Green members led the charge to collect 500 pounds of plastic grocery bags for a recycling challenge by the Trex composite decking company. Called From Bags to Benches, Trex promises a composite bench to any group that meets their challenge in a six-month period. Asbury Solomons completed it in four months, gathering more than 40,500 bags!

In fact, the Go Green Committee gets credit for expanding the community’s recycling efforts to such a degree that Asbury Solomons earned the Maryland Recycling Network’s Outstanding Environmental and Community Leadership Award in 2016. In one year, approximately 175 tons of materials were recycled rather than sent to a landfill.

Under the Go Green Committee’s efforts, Earth Day at Asbury Solomons has become a monthly series of events and lectures. Our annual celebration opens the community to students and other groups to highlight and promote the importance of environmental stewardship.

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