“Early” Move to Asbury Solomons Just the Right Move for Social Couple

Suzanne Edwards

Suzanne and Bud Edwards moved to Asbury Solomons from Arkansas in 2006. They were drawn by the proximity of their children and the community’s fabulous river view.

Their greatest regret: “We have literally not had one day of regret over our decision,” Suzanne says. “And we have commented to ourselves many times that we’re so glad we did this while we were still young and healthy enough to take advantage of everything the community offers – the fitness center, the social gatherings and the different events and programs that are always going on.”

Spring finds Asbury Solomons at its best. Resident gardeners are busy preparing their beds in the community’s garden, the river and dock beckon you outside for walks and Evenings on the Quad picnics are back in session.

And since coming to Asbury, the Edwards have started some social traditions of their own. Including informal happy hours in their Cottage, convening with friends in the community’s new Gull Lounge prior to dinner and organizing wine tastings in the Community Center. A friend who is a wine importer helped develop an interest in that area.

“When you’re retired, every night is Friday night and every morning is a Saturday morning,” Suzanne says. “It’s wonderful.”

Both retired from careers in higher education, Suzanne as associate dean of the University of Arkansas’ school of education, and Bud as Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement. Both had lived and worked in Maryland previously. Suzanne in Anne Arundel County Public Schools and Bud as a vice president at the University of Maryland. That background may account for the very active role they play in Asbury Solomons’ Computer Club, where they fill the role of president with one other Asbury resident, each taking responsibility for four months of the year.

Suzanne, who describes herself and her husband as outgoing people, says they settled into Asbury Solomons quickly. Once they added their names to the community’s Futures List, the Edwards asked to meet with a current resident so they could get an insider’s perspective of life here. She advises anyone thinking about moving to Asbury Solomons to do that. “It was very helpful,” she says. “We had lunch with them and then visited with them in their apartment for a while and asked them lots of questions. It made us more certain that there would be life – a very active life – after we got here.”

Two more pieces of advice:

  • “Don’t feel pressured to get rid of everything before you move,” Suzanne says. “You can always get rid of more things after you’ve moved. You don’t want to have a lot, but keepsakes and favorite paintings will help create a sense of familiarity.” Case in point, she still has her grandmother’s china and silver though she rarely uses it.
  • And finally, “We ended up replacing some pieces we brought with new things after we moved here,” she says. “It can be invigorating to create a fresh look.”

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