What Springhill Residents Say …

Springhill is at the forefront of redefining aging services. Hear what residents are saying about life at the community.


"You never lack for anything here."

Maude came to Springhill after a bout of health troubles made her realize that continuing to live alone in her Vermont home wasn’t the best long-term solution for aging. Her daughter-in-law’s mother had lived at Springhill, and they suggested Maude take a look.

Maude spent her professional life as a wax sculpture artist, and while she was willing to give up her large home, she did not want to part with space to continue painting. She did love the idea of being closer to her children and grandchildren, though, and when she returned home from the hospital, she put her home on the market.

“I’ve learned very quickly that you can do just fine with a lot less stuff. I created an area for my art supplies, and it works fine. I go out to dinner with friends, I have regular brunch and card groups, I love attending the Great Courses lectures. You never lack for anything here. One day a few months after I moved in, I woke up and thought, ‘I’m really happy!’

I loved Vermont and had wonderful friends, but I felt like this was a new chapter in my life. All my life I have had a strong faith, and I believe your life is planned. Who would know that my son would meet Sue and that she would know about Springhill?”

Maude Cameron

Mary Stewart

"A house with multiple levels and big, uneven yard were not going to work well for me."

A lover of the outdoors, Mary Stewart has hiked in state parks around the country and as far afield as England, Scotland and Spain. But poor joint structure meant that by her 70s, she had already had two knee replacements and was facing a second hip replacement. Having recently moved back to Erie, Mary was faced with a challenging decision. Join her sister in a house being built on the family’s property or find a place that would provide the convenience and support to help her stay active.

“I talked to my medical team prior to my hip replacement and they helped me realize what I already knew, that a house with multiple levels and big, uneven yard were not going to work well for me.

Springhill’s easy access to dining, neighbors, programs, the scheduled transportation, a fitness program managed by someone trained in senior fitness, those were going to help me maintain my independence longer.

Having access to Springhill’s rehabilitation and health care services is also important. It’s comforting to know it’s there. And I can’t wait for the new aquatic center. Water exercise is very good for me, and soon I won’t need to drive somewhere else to do that.”

Mary Stewart

Bob Marks and Molly

"Moving here opened a new opportunity to give back."

A former healthcare administrator and retired Major in the United States Air Force, Bob Marks loves to travel and has the trips to prove it: he has traveled to all 50 states and 30 countries. But it was his move to Springhill that started him – and his King Charles spaniel Molly – on an adventure he never could have predicted.

“One day I was walking around the pond with Molly and the director of campus security stopped to talk to us. He was impressed by how calm Molly was and said she might make a great therapy dog."

When I was recovering from surgery a few years ago, and I always looked forward to the therapy dog visits, so I said I’d look into it. Now, it’s almost like a circle has been completed. Molly and I visit oncology patients at UPMC Hamot Hospital, we go to court hearings involving children, and regularly stop into Springhill’s health care center.

I think it’s great that moving here opened a new opportunity to give back that I might not have considered without that chance meeting.”

Bob Marks

John and Santina Gorndt

"Wellness and exercise are part of the package you get when you live here."

We were not really looking to move when we came to Springhill. It was our first visit and when we walked in the front door, we were convinced this was a beautiful community and one that we would enjoy being a part of. We decided that Springhill would be the place to spend our future, and we never visited another place! After almost seven years of living here in a Garden Home, we still believe we have made an excellent choice. The people here, both the residents and the associates, are very helpful, friendly, and consider our needs in everything they do.

The entire community is built around wellness and exercise is part of the package that you get when you live here, and that has helped us maintain our physical health. Springhill recently started building an aquatic center which will help us continue our focus on health as we age. There are so many events and programs that go on at Springhill that keep us involved and active, things like movies, ping pong, tailgate parties, card parties, musicians, and bus trips for lunch, shows, and much more. You can’t go wrong at Springhill. We love living here!

John and Santina Gorndt

rainbow heart design with love is love written below

"When I came here, I could be myself. "

Learn more about our work to build a culture of belonging for all those who live and work at an Asbury senior living community.

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A Community of Welcome

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